Grady and Mohammadpour are using embedded resource accounting to estimate nutrient balances and track imports and exports of nutrients from the Chesapeake Bay watershed using commodity trade data. These models will allow them to link social and biophysical nutrient management scenarios. Initial work focuses exclusively on nitrogen and includes major commodity and consumer products along the crop, livestock, and meat supply chains. Future work will explore nutrient release pathways and will explore additional nutrients such as phosphorus using embedded resource accounting.
Paniz Mohammadpour, Caitlin Grady. A Regional Analysis of Nitrogen Flow within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Food Production Chain Including Trade. Environmental Science & Technology (2023).
Gomez, M., Grady, C., Wainger, L., Cibin, R., Abler, D., Bosch, D., Kaye, J. 2024. “Impacts of future scenarios on the nitrogen loss from agricultural supply chains in the Chesapeake Bay.” Environmental Research Letters, 19, 084039. https:///
Gomez, M., Kaye, J., Grady, C. 2024. “Dataset and software for studying impacts of future scenarios on the nitrogen loss from agricultural supply chains in the Chesapeake Bay.” Zenodo.
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State
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PhD Student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State
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Research Technician, Penn State
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PhD Student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State
Distinguished Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry, Penn State
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Postdoc, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Penn State
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PhD Student, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Penn State
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Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Penn State
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Research Technician & PhD Candidate, Penn State
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Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management, Penn State
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